Monday, December 26, 2011

Update...Here we go!

 I have fallen a bit behind and will try to give the update in a concise manner.  Needless to say I have been a bit busy going here there and almost everywhere.... My mom joked when I was in Arizona visiting that she wanted to use double stick tape to "stick me to the chair so I would be in one place for a bit"... I think we need stronger tape :)
After the summer I had a long list of things I wanted to get done....First of all I wanted to celebrate my birthday and what better way than having one of my best friends Jamie in town! I loved playing "host" and doing "utah" things I have never done myself.  Here are a few things we did while she was in town. 

*Temple Square    
*Park City, rode Main street Trolley and had an amazing lunch *Boating with the Family

*Ziplining in the canyon and a big family dinner at Lajolla Groves.

I hiked Mount Timpanogos with Jacob and a few friends, the hike was a lot of fun about 5 hours to get up and about 3 1/2 to get down.  I was able to get some great pictures... but on the way down I sprained my ankle which didn't make the rest of the 3 hours down the mountain very much fun.

A glacier we came across... we kind of made a detour off the path but eventually found our way back.

I went to Arizona to celebrate Thanksgiving with my parents and Grandparents.   It was so nice to enjoy the sunshine and golf a bit.  I am learning how to golf, and spent most of the time taking pictures.  

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun, we went to my Grandpa and Sue's house and had a wonderful meal.  I love any chance I get to spend time with the family and of course a good food!
                   Our dessert, Turkeys I made with a few candies :) and of course Pumpkin Pie

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Summing up the SC Summer

Well its official official.. the summer has come to a close.  There were many ups and downs, despite all the complaining I'm sure was heard all around :) I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have a job and to have had success.  There were some high points to the summer one was when my mom came to visit! It was so much fun to have here here and to have dinner ready when we got home was a godsend! She could barley stay awake to watch us eat the delicious meal she prepared (seeing it was usually around 10:30 when we ate).  We celebrated mothers day for her and we were able to take a fun trip down to Charleston and see some of the fun sights there.

My good friend Ambrosia and our friend from overseas Katia came to visit in SC! We had a good time together .... the more the merrier!

Heather came to visit as well and with that came more trips to the beach in Myrtle and Charleston! We packed in the fun for sure.

Jon came to visit a few times and towards the end he surprised us and brought Connor! It was so fun to have him visit, we took him to Myrtle Beach on our day off and I'm sure he didn't complain about how we spoiled him with "junk food".

Oh yeah.. we worked a little too and of course with that comes many many random, weird stories.. some I would love to repeat and others I dare not! hahah but I am SOOO happy to say I completed another summer of this thing we call our "job" haha.  Until next summer??????... we will see!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A bit of every day life here in South Carolina

Of course... write on your house to tell people to ring the doorbell that isn't there... of course

 I will get to the reasoning on these themed cars... from Chuckee, to skittles, to Jelly Beans

 A cool moth
 Apparently these black snakes I have almost stepped on numerous times are poisonous, watch where you step!
 so sad, a brand new Harley burned... another reason fire protection is necessary for EVERY home... Sales pitch done haha

 Some of the area I was working, I didn't get the sale but I did get fresh produce!

Swampy sunset

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dirty Dirty South!!

I have been living in Florence South Carolina for the past month working.  We thought we would get in with the locals by attending NASCAR and dressing up (down). We mostly went for the people watching but I think we were a victim of being watched most of the night haha.  It was fun to get into the event, but in all reality the noise was a little too much.  One of those "cool to say I went it but probably won't do it again" things.  It may have been my fault because I am not too familiar with the sport, but it was a fun way to kick off a much needed weekend!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Checkin off that bucket list!

I am one of those people who makes a list for most everything... grocery, to do list for the day/week, goals, and of course an accomplishment list for my life is one of them.  One of the items on my list, is to be able to check at least one of those off my list each year... and one was to take part in a half-marathon... well I was able to check that off my list last month! It was quite the achievement for someone who doesn't like to run, and also who a few years ago was having leg problems and stairs were a challenge.  I can't believe I say this but I love to run now, I crave it sometimes.  It allows me to clear my head and I feel great doing it (it's the after part that is the struggle, the soreness is not so fun) ha ha.  I want to thank my friends and family who supported me and encouraged me to to this.  You literally motivated me every step of the way!   A special thanks to my mom and sister Ashley who woke up early, drove out to the race site and watched me cross the finish line! It was so great to have that support.  I even beat my goal time! I crossed the finish line at 1 hour 46 minutes! We will see if or when the next one will be :) Until then, on to the next item on my list....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Arizona, Hawaii and Vegas!! LETS GO!!

I know this isn't news to anyone to anyone but I have been kind of all over the place trying to squeeze in as much vacation time before I have to go back to work.  I was in Arizona working but was able to see my Grandparents which was so much fun.  Then I went on a trip to Hawaii, it was a bonus work trip but was more like a family vacation (a major perk with working with family)  We were there a week and did some amazing things such as; paddle boarding, North shore wave jumping/survival, skydiving, luau at the PCC, swimming with sharks, Dole factory, beach time, amazing restaurants, shopping, Hiking Diamond Head, and Pearl Harbor.... Definitely a fun filled week with much needed sun and good company!
Heather, Stacy, Me, Ashley

Travis, Marissa, Jacob, Ashley, Me, Heather, Jon, Sean
View from the plane! (We could see whales in the water below!)
ya... thats my skin all folded ... ew
Luau at PCC
The sharks we swam with! 

the day we drove around the island... stopped for food and sight seeing 
on the hike up Diamond Head
Suzy, Marissa, Me, Travis and his muscles :)
Waikiki at night from our hotel
At Pearl Harbor

After my return home from Hawaii I had just enough time to unpack, do laundry, pack and head to Las Vegas for our "Girls Trip" with my mom and sisters.  We had such a fun time, we stayed at the Trump Tower right across from the Runway Mall/Nordstroms.  (I don't know which is worse, a casino for the guys or a mall for the girls) ha. We were able to get 3 tickets for the MWC tourney, we watched the men play on thursday and that night we went to dinner with a long time friend Jessica!!! It was so fun to catch up and visit! 
 Unfortunately the BYU women's team lost but we still got to see the men's team play and witness the 52 point output of Jimmer! That was so exciting!  Of course we managed to squeeze in some shopping and pool time.  All in all it was a fun and relaxing time together.  
Yes this is all of our luggage... :)
Pool Time!
Dinner Time!

Dinner at Roy's with the girls :)
Floral display Bellagio
Of course there was ice cream :)
Our beautiful hotel lobby